About Us
There are 44 chapters across Canada, and Blanketeers provide much-loved blankets full of hugs to children going through a crisis in their lives: from young children who have lost a parent or sibling, to a youth watching his home burn down, or to teens diagnosed with cancer or other debilitating disease.
There are many different needs, not all of which can be filled by a bureaucracy. When the world goes crazy and a child feels like a speck of dust, the gift of a blanket from someone who made it with love and care is enormous. Someone who doesn't know the child but knows their need to feel safe and warm, loved and cared for in a life gone crazy; someone who made this for them to hug, hold, and wrap themselves up in without asking for anything in return.
People armed with only needles, hooks, yarn and fabric have been knitting, crocheting and sewing comforting blankets for strangers in places far away, lives far from their own, even if only just across town.
Project Linus Canada was founded as a Registered Charity in 1998 by Rona Kleiman. She was a Chapter Coordinator under the umbrella of Project Linus Worldwide when the founder, Karen Loukes-Baker, was still the National Coordinator in the USA. Eventually Canada was established as its own entity, and Rona Kleiman took up the reins to get Canada our Registered Charity status.